
This document describes some of the tables and fields in the PhyloDB schema. It also aims to demonstrate functional capabilities using example SQL. Design philosophies and expectations are presented with reasoning. Most of this text has been cut-and-pasted from the comments associated with the PhyloDB schema.

Tree Tables


Tree stores information on individual bifurcating non-cyclic graphs. Trees are uniquely identified by thier “tree_id”. They also have a “name” and “identifier”. They are associated with a BioSQL biodatabase via their “biodatabase_id”. The Boolean field “is_rooted” identifies whether a node is rooted or not. The default is TRUE, i.e. rooted. “Node_id” identfies the start node which is usually the root node of a rooted tree.

Questions about TREE?

  1. Where do “identifier”s come from?
  2. What is the role of the start node except to identify the root?


Tree_root stores information on the root node of a tree. Tree roots are uniquely identified by thier “tree_root_id”. The tree the root is from is identified by the “tree_id” while the node table record is identified by “node_id”. “is_alternate” is TRUE if the root node is the preferential (most likely) root node of the tree, and FALSE otherwise. The “significance” (such as likelihood, or posterior probability) with which the node is the root node. This only has meaning if the method used for reconstructing the tree calculates this value.


This stores metadata associated with an entire tree. “tree_id” identifies the tree with which the metadata is associated. The name of the metadata element as a BioSQL term from a controlled vocabulary (or ontology) is identified by the foreign key “term_id”. The value of the metadata element is stored as text in “value”. The “rank” field stores the index of the metadata value if there is more than one value for the same metadata element. If there is only one value, this may be left at the default of zero.


  1. Why is use rank and not tow tree qualifiers?


Stores information on database cross-references assigned to the tree. “tree_id” identifies the tree to which the database corss-reference is being assigned. “dbxref_id” is the database cross-reference assigned to the tree. “term_id” is the type of the database cross-reference as a controlled vocabulary or ontology term. The type of a tree accession should be ‘primary identifier’.

Node Tables


The node table stores information on the nodes within trees. Each node is uniquely identified through its “node_id”. Nodes may ne “label”ed, e.g. with the latin binomial of the taxon, taxonomic rank, the accession number of a sequences, or any other construct that uniquely identifies the node within one tree. “tree_id” specifies which tree each node is a part of. “left_idx and “right_idx” specify the left and right values of the nested set optimization structure for efficient hierarchical queries. These values needs to be precomputed by a program, see J. Celko, SQL for Smarties.


Node path stores directed paths between nodes. In a phylogenetic tree, these are the descendant and ancestoral nodes. “child_node_id” is the endpoint node of the two nodes connected by the (directed) path. In a phylogenetic tree, this is the descendant. “parent_node_id” is the startpoint node of the two nodes connected by a (directed) path. In a phylogenetic tree, this is the ancestor. “path text” defines the path from startpoint to endpoint as the series of nodes visited along the path. The nodes may be identified by label, or, typically more efficient, by their primary key, or left or right value. The latter are often smaller than the primary key, and hence consume less space. One may increase efficiency further by using a base-34 numeric representation (24 letters of the alphabet, plus 10 digits) instead of decimal (base-10) representation. The actual method used is not important, though it should be used consistently. The “distance” is the number of nodes between the parent and child. Thus the path between a node and itself has length zero, and length 1 between two nodes directly connected by an edge. If there is a path of length l between two nodes A and Z and an edge between Z and B, there is a path of length l+1 between nodes A and B.

Questions about NODE_PATH

  1. Does this not just duplicate information extractable from the node and edge tables?
  2. When would at branch have mutiple edges between nodes?
  3. How do you code the path from startpoint to endpoint as the series of nodes visited along the path?


Node_taxon links tree nodes to taxa and is uniquely identified by “node_taxon_id”. “node_id” is the node to which the taxon is being linked. “taxon_id” is he taxon being linked to the node. “rank” is the index of this taxon within the list of taxa being linked to the node, if the order is significant. Typically, this will be used to represent the position of the respective sequence within the concatenated alignment, or the partition index.


This table links a node to a BioSQL bioentry. link are uniquely identified by thier “node_bioentry_id”. “node_id” is the node to which the bioentry is being linked. “bioentry_id” is the bioentry being linked to the node. “rank” is the index of this bioentry within the list of bioentries being linked to the node, if the order is significant. Typically, this will be used to represent the position of the respective sequence within the concatenated alignment, or the partition index.


Sores cross-references between nodes and other database entries. “node_id” is the node to which the database cross-reference is being assigned. “dbxref_id” is the database cross-reference being assigned to the node. “term_id” is the type of the database cross-reference as a controlled vocabulary or ontology term. The type of a node identifier should be ‘primary identifier’.

Edge Tables


Edge stores information on the edges between nodes each is uniquely identified by the “edge_id”. The “child_node_id” is the endpoint node of the two nodes connected by a directed edge. In a phylogenetic tree, this is the descendant, while the “parent_node_id” is the startpoint node of the two nodes connected by a directed edge. In a phylogenetic tree, this is the ancestor.


Stores associations between edges and metadata. “value” is the value of the attribute/value pair association of metadata (if applicable). “rank” is the index of the metadata value if there is more than one value for the same metadata element. If there is only one value, this may be left at the default of zero. “edge_id” is the tree edge to which the metadata is being associated. “term_id” is the name of the metadate element as a term from a controlled vocabulary (or ontology).

Branch lengths should be stored as edge qualifier values liked to a term identifying the units the distance is in, e.g. parsimony steps or years bp or MYA.